• Question: why do you enjoying bacteria

    Asked by anon-207861 to Michelle on 6 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Michelle Valkanas

      Michelle Valkanas answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      Bacteria are not only extremely important, but they are interesting too!

      Bacteria often get a bad reputation because it can be harmful. It does cause infections, rust, and plant diseases but they do a lot of good too!

      Bacteria protect your skin from harmful infections and break down the food in your stomach so you can get nutrients! They help make cheese too! They not only help humans but animals and plants too. They help bring nutrients to plants as well.

      They can grow pretty much everywhere! They can grow with oxygen and without and in the very cold (like in glaciers) and in the very hot (like in volcanoes). They are pretty much able to adapt to anything. This is so incredibly interesting! Also, they can share DNA! If one bacteria has a useful gene that helps them survive they can share it with their neighbors! This is called horizontal gene transfer. Could you imagine if someone that could run very fast or who didn’t need glasses (and you do) shared that DNA with you!
