• Question: do you have sponsors to raise the money for you

    Asked by anon-207873 to Natalie on 2 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Natalie Lamb

      Natalie Lamb answered on 2 Mar 2019: last edited 2 Mar 2019 7:59 am

      Thanks for your question! Don’t forget to vote 🙂

      Yes I do! Anglian Water, a water company who supply water to people’s houses and sewage away from people’s houses in the East of the UK (where I live) are my sponsor. What this means is that they pay for my tuition costs and they pay me a wage so I can get paid for being a PhD student. Companies sometimes have research that they want doing but don’t have the time to it themselves. So in return for the money, they get to choose my research topic and get the results from my experiments.

      I’m really grateful to be working with Anglian Water as a sponsor because I don’t think I would have afforded doing my PhD otherwise.
