• Question: do you think the planet will ever run out of drinking water?

    Asked by anon-207626 to Silvia, Scott, Oliver, Natalie, Michelle, Lowri on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Scott Graham

      Scott Graham answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      i think if we are not careful then yes eventually we could run out of safe drinking water. although the earth is covered in water it isnt all safe to drink. although i dont see it happening in the next 20 years or so

    • Photo: Lowri Evans

      Lowri Evans answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      This could happen. The human population is still growing. There are people currently struggling to access drinking water. We are polluting the earth and destroying habitats.

    • Photo: Natalie Lamb

      Natalie Lamb answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      Climate change is likely going to deterriate the quantity and quality of surface waters in future (surface waters are sources of drinking water that do not come from the ground, things like streams, rivers and man-made reservoirs). This means there will be less of it and what is left will be more difficult for us to treat. But we are very determined! We can now treat saltwater to remove the salt to produce drinking water. It is very expensive and not really used in the UK right now because we don’t have a need yet but in future I don’t think we will run out of drinking water. I think we will adapt and survive.

    • Photo: Oliver Andrews

      Oliver Andrews answered on 15 Mar 2019:

      I think this is unlikely, however the distribution of water between nations may become an issue. This has as much to do with the massive inequalities in the distribution of wealth than anything else!
