• Question: how long have u been intrested in science?

    Asked by anon-207486 to Lowri, Michelle, Natalie, Oliver, Scott, Silvia, William on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Michelle Valkanas

      Michelle Valkanas answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I actually did not become interested in science till I was in uni where I got to see science in action! In secondary school I liked math more, it just seemed practical (it still does)

    • Photo: Lowri Evans

      Lowri Evans answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      To be honest, I don’t see myself as a scientist (although people call me this…) I am just a person who is curious about the world and a person who loves nature and wildlife! The science part is just associated to that. I’ve always been curious about the world, and I think we are born curious (children always ask questions right?) So I think we are all actually born as scientists, but some of us lose that curiosity as we get older.

    • Photo: Natalie Lamb

      Natalie Lamb answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I have pretty much always been interested in science. I always used to ask for the grow your own crystal sets, things like that, from Argos for birthdays/Christmas because I wanted to do little experiments. Sea monkeys I got given too but I accidentally killed them all! So I think I have been interested since about the age of 9

    • Photo: Scott Graham

      Scott Graham answered on 15 Mar 2019:

      i guess i have been interested in science since i was about 15 years old, although it wasnt until i went to college at 17/18 that i really got interested in science. so ive been interested for about 16 years (wow that makes me sound old) lol
