• Question: What evidence suggests that the earth is round?

    Asked by anon-207564 to William, Silvia, Scott, Oliver, Natalie, Michelle, Lowri on 12 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Michelle Valkanas

      Michelle Valkanas answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      That is a great question! I know that it is hard to sometimes to trust an image, so when you see the beautiful pictures of Earth from space on the internet, it may not be all that convincing! I found a great website with some fun facts showing why the earth is not flat 🙂 My favourite though is that gravity probably would not be possible on a flat planet, could you imagine if we had no gravity?!?!?
      Check out more here:


    • Photo: Lowri Evans

      Lowri Evans answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      You could conduct your own little experiment to determine the shape of the Earth! Take a look at a sunset at the bottom of a hill or a building in a place where the horizon is clear. Once the sun is out of sight, run up to the higher vantage point (on top of the hill, or inside the building). At this second, elevated point, you should still be able to see the sun. If the Earth was flat, you wouldn’t be able to see the sun at the elevated point. Best to do this with an adult 🙂

    • Photo: Natalie Lamb

      Natalie Lamb answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Over 2,000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle figured out that the Earth was flat because you see different sets of stars in the night sky depending on where you are. If the Earth was flat then we would all see the same stars, and we don’t.
      Then another Greek thinker and mathematician, Eratosthenes, measured the Earth’s circumference. He discovered that at noon in one Egyptian city, the Sun was directly overhead, whereas in a different city the Sun did not rise quite so high. He measured the distance between the two cities, how high in the sky the Sun rose to in each at the same time, then did some trigonometry to work it out.
      Since then people have gone all the way round the Earth. The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigated the Earth from 1519 to 1522 (he would have fallen off the edge instead of going round otherwise).

    • Photo: Scott Graham

      Scott Graham answered on 15 Mar 2019:

      the others have gave pretty good answers, another answer would be that we have the international space station that is floating above earth in space. we have managed to get pictures form this which shows the curvature of the planet.

      ive attached a link to a website with 7 ways to prove the earth is round

