• Question: what is the strongest force on earth?

    Asked by anon-207566 to Silvia on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Silvia Imberti

      Silvia Imberti answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      The strongest force is called… wait for it… the Strong Force! (Seriously physicist are imaginative people). It is what keeps together subatomic particles like Quarks and Gluons (gluons also glue things together). Then it’s the weak force that keeps our atomic nuclei together. Next is electromagnetism, which drives most of the phenomena we touch in every day life, light electricity and much more. And finally the weakest of all is gravity (And yet, the force is weak but the mass is big – think of planets) so it governs most of our universe.

      Check the “standard model” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0KjXsGRvoA
