• Question: where does water come from

    Asked by anon-207512 to Silvia, Scott, Oliver, Natalie, Michelle, Lowri on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Natalie Lamb

      Natalie Lamb answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      If you mean where did water originally come from, there is some disagreement about whether the source was from, astronomers believe it came from comets or asteroids. They both contain ice and could have collided with the Earth.

      If you meant where does drinking water come from. We either use surface water (things like rivers, streams, man-made reservoirs) or groundwater (literally water from the ground like from wells).

    • Photo: Scott Graham

      Scott Graham answered on 15 Mar 2019:

      water comes from a process called the water cycle, to sum it up in simple form, water from sea can evaporate into the air which with the suns heat when rises will form clouds, as the clouds move they lose heat causing the clouds to precipitate and causing rain. rain can either fall in places such as mountains and freeze, over time it can melt and run down into rives which may find its way back into the sea. Or rain can fall to the ground, soak into the soil and end up in underground water ‘streams’ or even reservoirs. this can then be treated and send to homes for drinking water.
